
Sunday, October 16, 2016


The long wait is over! After all the grueling days and nights of preparations, meetings, seminars, et al, it’s here! This is the day that you’ve been dreaming of. Your prince & princess days are over. You should be ready to be a crowned king and queen. What do you do on this day? What has to be done? Shall you just wait and let everything be on God’s hand? Let’s find out.

1.       Get some good sleep. Rest well the night before your big day. You don’t want to look like a mess on your big day right? Believe it or not, no one looked pretty whenever he/she has no sleep. Think of it as your gift to yourself for a job well done on the preparation. Your body has to be relaxed.
2.       Be calm. Calmness in terms of feelings. This is not the day to shout anymore. This is not the day to raise your eyebrows. We all are aware of the phrase “nothing is perfect” so somehow, something unexpected might happen so, don’t forget, be CALM! You should know by now how to handle things with elegance.
3.       Makeup artists? BE ON TIME! Before thinking of your good-looking photos, you have to make sure first that your makeup team arrives on time. Otherwise, everything will be delayed. Your pre-nu shoots on the day itself, your SDE coverage, your photo ops with the entourage, EVERYTHING (and I mean it), will be delayed. Since everything starts with a makeup, book your makeup artist 30 mins before the actual scheduled time. You know, they’ll arrive 30 mins late, so, better be smart than sorry.
4.       Eat. We strongly suggest that you have a heavy breakfast. Heavy not to the extent that your gown won’t be zipped anymore. Heavy so to say because, you will find it hard to have a complete meal afterwards. Prepare that your next food intake will be after the reception.
5.       Orient your entourage. It would be best to keep your entourage into one single place a night before your big day if possible. This will enable you to have a quick meeting with them so they will be reminded by their tasks on the big day. It works!
6.       Surrender the day to HIM. This day was actually your partner and you, who is making a compromise to Him. Let him handle each and every single thing on your big day. He will never let you down (as always)! Let His will happen and offer it all to. Surrender it.

Bear in mind that again, nothing is perfect. Human flaws will be redundant but, don’t mind them. The most important thing to do on your big day is just one thing: have FUN!

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